Mindfulness Program For Kids

Primary school kids mindfulness and meditation program


The My Peaceful Universe: Mindfulness Program For Kids:


Unlimited access to evidence-based, fun and engaging Mindfulness and Meditation resources for kids.


Resources include;

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8 Early Learning Meditations
Suitable for Ages 4 - 7


+ Complete Mindfulness Programs 1 - 3
Suitable for Years 3 - 6 


24 Breathing Exercises
24 Mindfulness Lessons and Exercises
24 Guided Meditations
24 Mindful Games
24 Printable Journal Pages
+ Certificates For Kids





Access a fun mindfulness program for school kids

"I personally believe that within a very short period of time a fun and engaging mindfulness and meditation program offering a complete experience for practitioners, teachers and students has the potential to create lasting change within all communities around the globe" - Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald


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Easy To Use Mindfulness Program.

If you are a carer, parent, teacher or practitioner involved in the development of kids at the click of a button, you can access a complete program making it easy to practise mindfulness and meditation within a classroom setting, one on one within a clinic, or with children learning at home.



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Early Learning Meditations: Sample

With our 8 Early Learning Meditations specially curated for Kindergarten - Year 2,  you can now introduce kids as young as ages 4 - 7 to the amazing practice of meditation. 




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Breathing Exercises: Sample

Short breathing exercises are a great way to introduce mindfulness to kids. Learning about the benefits of focusing on the breath can help kids calm themselves when they are unsettled, feeling anxious or upset, completely transforming the way children handle difficult situations within their daily lives.



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Mindfulness Lessons Include: 


Program 1 Program 2
What Is Mindfulness? Mindful Seeing.
Mindful Breathe Is A Superpower! Mindful Listening.
Present Moment Awareness. Mindfulness of Touch.
Mindfulness and the Brain. Mindful Tasting.
Mindfulness For Our Physical Body. Mindfulness of Thoughts.
Affirmations. Popcorn Thoughts.
Mindful Motions. Monkey Mind.
Anchor Breathing. Distraction, What Is It?


Program 3 Program 4 - Coming Soon
Mindfulness of Emotion. Commas And Mindfulness
Heartfulness and Kindness. Embracing Me
Difficult Emotions. Roses and Thorns
Gratitude, Why Is It So Important? Why It's Important To Be Kind
Connecting With Our Positive Qualities. Setting Positive Intentions
Mindful Relationships. Connecting With Spaces Around US
Mindful Communication. Becoming Mindful Of Nature
Bullying Is Not Ok! Mindful Curiosity About The World


*Lesson are designed to be flexible and easy to implement within a classroom setting or, in a more personal setting 1 on 1 within a practice or clinic. This is by no means a one size fits all program, what we have created is user-friendly and we would like to emphasize is that there is no one way to teach mindfulness. What is important, is we draw from our personal experiences, explore, and share our deepening practice of Mindfulness with colleagues and parents, and encourage children to practise their mindfulness and meditations with family and friends at home.





School children learning meditation  "I truly believe the benefits of mindfulness and meditation can no longer be ignored and a mindfulness and meditation program such as this should be accessed by every carer, teacher and practitioner for the long term health of our kids." Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald



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7 Reasons why our program is so amazing!


1. One years worth of resources.

The My Peaceful Universe Mindfulness Program provides access to a years worth of evidence based mindfulness and meditation resources that are fun and engaging for parents, practitioners, teachers and kids.

At the click of a button you can access a complete curated program making it easy to practise Mindfulness and Meditation with students at school, 1 on 1 within a clinic or, with your own kids at home.


2. Easy to implement.

Our Mindfulness Program can be easily accessed on any device. Simply subscribe, sign in and access the resources as many times as you like.

Included are teaching tips to improve teaching effectiveness, letters for parents to encourage students and families to continue their practise at home as well as certificates for kids, to congratulate them on completing the program.


3. Fun and engaging for teachers and kids

We don't want kids losing interest in Mindfulness. This is why we encourage a fun approach where every teacher develops their own way of teaching the resources.

From the beginning we believed in setting the right tone in which to communicate mindfulness to children. Our approach has a unique playfulness to it, which can be easily defined by the creative ways teachers teach their own students.


4. Tested in class environments since 2017

Teach with confidence knowing our Mindfulness Program has been tested in class environments, before, during and after school with kids aged between 6 - 12 years old. 


Deputy Principal LISA W - LOVED your program.
5 Star Mindfulness and Meditation
"Essentially we LOVED your program and your expertise and depth of knowledge that comes with it. As you know it was very well received by our team and their students. As per our meeting at the end of Term 3, there is great enthusiasm to utilise your program again in 2019/20."


5. Our program can reduce stress in teachers.

It is not only our goal to see improvements in students mental health, it is also our goal to see improvements in both parent and teacher wellbeing, creating a healthier and more positive parent, teacher, student relationship at home and at school. 


6. Surveys and live updates

Our results driven surveys are a helpful way to monitor improvements in the overall emotional wellbeing of both teachers and students. The surveys also provide a way to assess the effectiveness of the program, so that we can continue to improve and update the resources available.


7. Written and curated by Certified Mindfulness Mentor Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald


Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald

Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald is a leading Mindfulness and Meditation mentor with over 20 years of experience helping clients improve their own emotional wellbeing and happiness. Isabelle is currently an administrator for Mindful Educators Australia, holds a Diploma in Energetic Healing with a Level 2 Certificate in Meditation and is a certified Mindfulness Mentor with the Mindfulness Mentoring Institute. Isabelle coaches teachers, parents, families and kids in Mindfulness and has been teaching classes to primary school children for over 4 years. Isabelle has also recently curated and recorded a 10-day audio course 'Overcome Your Monkey Mind' for the world's leading meditation app Insight Timer.