Copy of About My Peaceful Universe
Hello, my name is Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald. At My Peaceful Universe, we are all very passionate about Mindfulness and Meditation as we truly believe a focus on kids creates a solid foundation for health outcomes later in life, making this a long-term investment in the future of our children.
About Isabelle
First, I would love to tell you a little bit about myself, I am a mum with two beautiful children aged 9 and 12. I personally have been meditating for 20 years and started practising mindfulness since completing a Mindfulness-Integrated Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MiCBT) program 11 years ago.
Like a lot of children, I suffered low self-esteem and low self-image issues. In my early 20’s I was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa. This was a very difficult time for myself and my family and in my mid 30’s after having my 1st child, I began struggling with anxiety.
Discovering MEDITATION in my early 20’s really helped me manage a lot of my anxiety issues. But it was discovering MINDFULNESS that truly made a significant impact on my mental health transforming my life in every way.
Rivers Story
Term 1, 2016 my son River was accepted into the opportunity class at Mona Vale Primary School and started suffering anxiety just before his Year 5 school camp. His anxiety caused shallow breathing and started causing serious trouble with his sleeping. River stopped going to his dance classes and didn’t want to go to school. As a parent his struggle was heartbreaking. I decided to introduce River to Guided Meditation, as well as Formal and Informal Mindfulness. River learned to observe his thoughts, and, with breathing techniques was able to calm himself at night to sleep.
Thankfully, with the help of River’s school counsellor, who understood mindfulness, and his caring teacher, River conquered his fears, had a great experience at school camp, and went on to become prefect at Mona Vale Public School in year 6.
Focus on younger people is now vital, to intervene and create positive habits as early as possible. Read More
A Profound Impact
Seeing first-hand the positive effects Mindfulness and Meditation can have on a child’s life I made the decision that it was important to create accessible Mindfulness and Meditation Programs for kids and families experiencing the same struggles I experienced with my own son River.
Today, I am extremely passionate about providing these incredibly valuable resources to Educators, Carers and Practitioners in a flexible format, that will greatly benefit all our lives.
I am also personally dedicated to teaching Mindfulness and Meditation to kids in a fun and engaging way, encouraging children to see life as an amazing adventure with new and curious eyes.
Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald
Director: MY PEACEFUL UNIVERSE, Mindfulness and Meditation for Kids
Administrator: Mindful Educators Australia
Our Team
Director and Founder: Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald is a leading Mindfulness and Meditation coach with over 20 years of experience helping clients improve their own health and happiness. Isabelle is currently an administrator for Mindful Educators Australia, holds a Diploma in Energetic Healing with a Level 2 Certificate in Meditation and is a certified Mindfulness Mentor with the Mindfulness Mentoring Institute. Isabelle coaches teachers, parents and kids 1-on-1 in Mindfulness and Meditation and has curated a 1-year Mindfulness and Meditation program for children that can be easily accessed online within a practise, or within schools. Isabelle also loves running her own Mindfulness and Meditation classes for primary school kids, teaching children essential life skills to manage their own mental health and emotional wellbeing before the stress of high school, university and young adulthood over the coming years.
Business Manager: Kye Fitzgerald surfed professionally for 10 years before starting a career in Sales, Marketing and Business Development. Kye's experience comes from his success achieved with London Marketing Services managing campaigns for internationally recognised non-profit organisations such as Oxfam, Plan and Care Australia. Meditation is a consistent part of Kye's morning routine and practising Mindfulness has played a part in Kye's life through his surfing career and into his professional life. As a proud father Kye is now very excited to be working with his wife Isabelle in a role that will provide amazing long-term benefits for kids.
Mentor: Over the last 9 years, John Shearer MM has spent 9,000+ hours studying the many aspects of mindfulness. He is an internationally recognised Australian Mindfulness Master, Author and Keynote Speaker who founded the Mindfulness Mentoring Institute and Mindful Educators. John, a former Youth Mentor with Juvenile Justice is passionate about sharing his knowledge and tools to bring mindfulness into the classroom, to teach us about teaching self-care and to help children thrive in life and education.
Our Mission
The MY PEACEFUL UNIVERSE mission is to create fun, engaging Mindfulness and Meditation Programs that help primary school children, educators and parents better manage their own emotional wellbeing and achieve a more positive outlook on life.
We are all very passionate about this cause as we truly believe a focus on kids creates a solid foundation for health outcomes later in life, making this a long-term investment in the future of our children
“People who practise Mindfulness and Meditation now have BETTER mental health than 70% of the population on average.” Dr Craig Hassad, Monash University
Evidence-Based Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and Meditation teach students how to focus on their breath in the very present moment, just noticing whatever they are experiencing, be it pleasant or unpleasant, without trying to change it.
Evidence shows these simple but vital skills not only decrease stress but also increases happiness, health, and emotional well-being. Read More
Open to Collaborate
Isabelle’s most recent project involves curating a 10 Session Audio Course for INSIGHT TIMER. Insight Timer is home to more than 4,750,000 meditators and is rated as the top free meditation app on the Android and iOS stores.
Due to be released 2019