Meditation Program For Kids

8. Pebble By The River: Meditation for Children
Transcript: "Imagine the sky is a clear blue and you are standing on the bank of a beautiful river. As you look up there is not a single cloud in...
8. Pebble By The River: Meditation for Children
Transcript: "Imagine the sky is a clear blue and you are standing on the bank of a beautiful river. As you look up there is not a single cloud in...

1. The Weather Inside You: Meditation for Children
Transcript: "Just take a moment to slowly breathe in and, slowly breathe out. What is the weather like inside your body today? Are you feeling sunny and bright inside? Or...
1. The Weather Inside You: Meditation for Children
Transcript: "Just take a moment to slowly breathe in and, slowly breathe out. What is the weather like inside your body today? Are you feeling sunny and bright inside? Or...

2. Heartfulness: Meditation for Children
Today in our meditation we will be practising Heartfulness. Heartfulness is a way of connecting with our hearts. It is also a way of caring and offering loving kindness to...
2. Heartfulness: Meditation for Children
Today in our meditation we will be practising Heartfulness. Heartfulness is a way of connecting with our hearts. It is also a way of caring and offering loving kindness to...

3. Waves of Emotions: Meditation for Children
Isabelle's "Waves of Emotions" meditations assists children in managing big and small emotions in their daily lives. By using breath, beautiful music and gentle guidance Isabelle teaches children that all...
3. Waves of Emotions: Meditation for Children
Isabelle's "Waves of Emotions" meditations assists children in managing big and small emotions in their daily lives. By using breath, beautiful music and gentle guidance Isabelle teaches children that all...

4. Gratitude in the Secret Garden: Guided Medit...
In this special meditation, we will be focusing on being grateful. Being grateful is so powerful. It is the simple act of saying thank you to the people we love,...
4. Gratitude in the Secret Garden: Guided Medit...
In this special meditation, we will be focusing on being grateful. Being grateful is so powerful. It is the simple act of saying thank you to the people we love,...

5. It's Great To Be Me: Meditation for Children
It's Great To Be Me" is a beautiful meditation that reminds children how calming it is totally let go, slowing down from their busy lives, concerns and worries. Our children are...
5. It's Great To Be Me: Meditation for Children
It's Great To Be Me" is a beautiful meditation that reminds children how calming it is totally let go, slowing down from their busy lives, concerns and worries. Our children are...