Welcome // Enjoy Teaching Mindfulness and Meditation
It is our wish that you truly enjoy teaching Mindfulness and Meditation and enjoy using our valuable resources as much as your students.
That is why we have curated our resources in 4 COMPLETE PROGRAMS, making it easy for busy Educators and Practitioners to carve out time and participate with students practising breathing exercises, meditations and mindful life lessons.
Teach with confidence |
You can teach with confidence knowing that our resources have been trialled and tested in classroom environments as well as 1 on 1, both before, during and after school. Aimed at Primary School Children aged 7 - 12 years, we have seen first hand the positive results that our Mindfulness and Meditation can have on each child's wellbeing, happiness and learning outcomes.
Amazing, flexible resources |
Our fun and engaging resources have been designed so that they can be taught in an easy, flexible and creative way. With each lesson, you have the option of teaching the resources in a 1-hour block or the option of utilising individual segments at different parts of the day.
* This is by no means a one size fits all program, what we have created is user-friendly and we would like to emphasize is that there is no one way to teach Mindfulness. What is important, is we draw from our personal experiences, explore, and share our deepening practice of Mindfulness with colleagues and parents, and encourage children to practise their meditations with family and friends at home.
Flexible Guidelines |
Before beginning any program, I like to introduce myself to the children and say my name. I explain that I teach mindfulness because I have found it very helpful in my own life, especially when dealing with intense feelings or difficult emotions and, that I wish I had learned mindfulness when I was their age.
For Example |
I may ring a bell to signify the beginning of a Mindfulness and Meditation lesson -
"I would like to introduce myself, my name is Isabelle. First of all, does anyone know why I teach Mindfulness and Meditation?"
I teach this because -
"I teach this because in my own life I have had anxiety and also worried very much about certain things and both Mindfulness and Meditation really helped me with dealing with difficult situations in my life. I wish I learned mindfulness when I was younger."
I also suggest a shared agreement and an understanding of the following things while students are practising Mindfulness and Meditation -
- We will treat everyone in the class with kindness and respect, ask everyone to put their hand up if they agree.
- You have the right to pass if you don’t feel like speaking for any reason when we are sharing, that’s ok. Put your hand up if you agree.
- Respectful behaviour, this includes
- Mindful Listening. Listening to whoever is speaking with your full attention, with your ears, your mind and your heart. Only 1 person speaking at a time. Put your hand up if you agree.
- Mindful Speaking. I ask that no one interrupts when someone is speaking, allowing for others to speak how they feel. Hands up if you agree.
- Being responsible for your body. Staying in your “Space Bubble”, not distracting, bumping, poking or irritating your friends in the class. Respecting everyone’s personal space especially during meditation and journaling. Once again, put your hand up if you agree.
- Being a team player, I ask that we support one another in the class, learning together and keeping all the agreements we have just made.
Lastly, if I feel the class is not following these mindful agreements and we have lost our mindfulness I will ring the bell and I would like you all to stop and put one hand on your bellies. Alternatively, invite students to place their left hand on their belly, and right hand up into the air and do mindful breathing. All students must continue their mindful breathing until everyone in the class is focused and mindful again.
It's important to remind students |
It's important to remind students that we are going to learn lots of new things and have fun, but the most important thing is we learn how to be mindful and share our experience with friends and family. But remember, when we share personal feeling and emotions, what we say in the room stays in the room.
Support and Coaching |
According to new studies, Mindfulness and Meditation can reduce stress in teachers and improves feelings of happiness both in and out of the classroom. Because teachers feel happier and calmer, students also benefit.
COACHING for Educators can provide a deeper understanding of our Mindfulness and Meditation resources improving teaching effectiveness as well as further develop your own self-care, emotional well-being and teaching effectiveness.
Real-Time Updates |
With consistent practical use, our resources continue to improve and updates will be added in real-time to the Educators Portal. Providing access to the most effective and current versions of each program.
Programs 1 and 2 are currently available to view, Programs 3 and 4 are due for release April 20th, 2019