Lesson 7. Monkey Mind
Guided Breathing Exercise | 3:53 | Matching Breaths
In today’s breathing exercise we will be counting our breaths and matching them as we breathe in and out.
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Matching and counting breaths is a great tool to slow and regulate breathing, helping let go of any nervous tension that you can feel in your mind and body.
Let's Begin |
Reflection with students |
- Was it easy or hard to stay focused on your breathing for 4 seconds?
- What about counting and matching your breaths for 6 seconds?
- Do you think you could match your breath for 10 seconds if you are feeling really calm and relaxed?
Mindful Life Lesson | 7:00 | Monkey Mind
Today's lesson teaches children the difference between positive and negative thinking and how to become mindful of negative thought patterns and replace them with a more realistic positive thought that makes them feel better.
Educators |
Today in our lesson we will be exploring Monkey Mind, and what it is?
Let's Begin |
As we have discussed in previous classes we have thousands of thoughts running through our head every day. Some of the thoughts are HELPFUL and some are UNHELPFUL thoughts.
A HELPFUL THOUGHT or POSITIVE THOUGHTS helps us feel confident happy and brave. An UNHELPFUL THOUGHT or NEGATIVE THOUGHT makes us feel worried nervous sad. These UNHELPFUL thoughts come from our MONKEY MIND.
Monkey Mind is the part of your brain that races from one UNHELPFUL THOUGHT to the next, chattering endlessly, wanting things, judging or criticizing things instead of focusing on what they are supposed to be doing!
Discuss |
How do we practise having more positive thoughts?
When you notice an UNHELPFUL or NEGATIVE thought you can just say to yourself "THANKYOU MIND" and then choose a more POSITIVE or HELPFUL thought.
Another great way to change a NEGATIVE thought into a POSITIVE thought is to imagine you are changing the channel on your TV. Except all you need to do here is change the channel in your mind.
When you notice an UNHELPFUL thought popping into your mind imagine you are holding a remote, press CLICK and change the channel to POSITIVE news and more HELPFUL thoughts.
Mindful Life Exercise | 3:00 - 5:00 | Positive and Negative Thoughts
Remind your student's UNHELPFUL THOUGHTS are NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and are like a monkey running away instead of focusing on what they are supposed to be doing!
Let's Begin |
Let your students know you are now going to read out some NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and you would like to check how they make us all feel. Some examples.
- I will never be good at maths
- I hate rainy days
- Nobody likes me
- Our team never wins
Invite students to share how negative thoughts can make them feel. Some examples.
- Can make you more worried
- Feel Sad
Now invite students to share some HELPFUL or POSITIVE thoughts. Some examples.
- I’m going to have a great day
- I’m so grateful for this yummy lunch
- I’m going to do my best on this exam today
Invite everyone to share how HELPFUL or POSITIVE thoughts can make them feel. Some examples.
- Feel calmer
- Better Health
- Builds your confidence
- Live a happier life
- You will have more friends
- Helps you make better decisions
- Makes your minds stronger
Reflection with students |
- Famous athletes use positive thinking all the time. “ I can do it, I’m going to win today! Does anyone know someone who is really positive?
- Who wants to have more positive thoughts?

Mindful Life Practise |
Practise |
- Start to become aware when you are having negative thoughts and see if you can imagine using a remote to change the channel, so your thoughts then become more positive
- Remember to never judge your thoughts, simply “Click” and change the news.
- Practise your meditation: “ The Oak Tree “
Guided Meditation | 9:55 | "The Oak Tree"
Imagine you are standing beneath an ancient oak tree. You place your hands on the trunk and your eyes rest on the patterns and textures you can feel upon your fingertips. As you breathe out a wave of peace washes over your body.
Educators |
Play this meditation as many times as you like, but remember, just one meditation one week at a time.
- What did it feel like to touch the Oak Tree?
- Could you hear the birds?
- How do you feel?
Journal | PDF Format | Monkey Mind
Educators |
Slide to your students' journal to your desktop and print.