Lesson 2. Mindfulness Listening

Lesson 2. Mindfulness Listening

Guided Breathing Exercise | 5:00 | Hissing Breath

This breathing exercise connects kids to their exhale. By extending the exhale we will help children learn how to calm and slow down their inner speed.


Educators |

In this breathing exercise, we are going to really focus on our exhale. 


Let’s invite everyone to sit and put our mindful bodies on. Stretching your spine tall like a mountain, gently breathing in, and slowly breathing out. Feel your body and mind starting to relax now.


Let's begin |


Reflection |

Does everyone feel like their mind and body has slowed down after doing this exercise?


Mindful Life Lesson | 3:00 | Mindful Listening

During this lesson, students will learn how to use sounds like an anchor into the present moment improving executive functioning, impulse control and focused attention


Educators |

Did you know that using our ears and really focusing on what you can hear is another way we can practise being mindful

Today we will be using our ears to practise our mindful listening. We are going to pay special attention to the sounds around us. Focusing and really paying attention to all the things we can hear in this present moment. Let us all take a deep belly breath in and out, be still for a moment and see if we notice any sounds? For example, traffic, birds, people talking, breathing…..

If you need to close your eyes you can. See if you can hear a sound you have not heard before.


Discussion |

  • Invite the students to share some sounds that they heard or noticed.

    Mindful Life Exercise | 5:00 | Mindful Listening


  • Materials |
  • 3 instruments

    Educators |

  • Introduce the students to the instruments that will be used. 3 Instruments are enough for this exercise.

    Let's begin |

    • I would like you to sit tall like a tree and relax,
    • Listen to the sounds I am going to play today.
    • Keep your eyes open as you do your mindful listening.
    • I am going to play 3 different sounds and I would like you to listen to the full duration of the sound and then lift a hand up in the air when we can’t hear it anymore.
    • Great, are you ready to practise again?
    • This time lets try closing our eyes and being very still and very quiet to see if we can hear the sound even longer. Remember, raise your hand in the air when you can’t hear the sound anymore.


    Discussion |

    Did anyone notice a difference trying to focus on the sounds with eyes open or closed? Were you able to focus easier with eyes open or closed?

    • Ask the children if they could hear any of the sounds they noticed at the start of the class while the instruments were playing. For example, traffic, birds, people talking, breathing.
    • Or did they only hear the instrument while the instrument was playing?
    • Ask the children to close their eyes and put their mindful listening ears on again. See if they can try and hear the sounds they heard at the start of the class before the instruments were playing. Can we now hear those sounds we heard or new ones?

    Notice how we couldn’t hear certain sounds while the instruments were playing. Why was that? Was it because we were so very focused on the sound of the instruments.

    • How can we practise Mindful Listening more?  By just stopping, breathing, focusing and listening to one thing?
    • How can mindful listening help us in our lives?


      Mindful Life Practise | 

      Invite the children to keep their mindful ears open at home to any new sounds they have may not have noticed before.

      • Ask the children to come to class next with 3 new sounds to share with the class


      Remember to practise your new mindfulness skills and your meditation 'Tropical Paradise' First thing in the morning works really well or before going to sleep at night. 

      Guided Meditation | 10:32 | 'My Tropical Paradise'

      Let students know this is their special time to relax and calm their mind and body. Invite your students to sit or lay in a comfortable position and gently close their eyes. If thoughts come and go that's ok.


      Note sensitive children |

      When asking the students to close their eyes remember some students may not feel safe. Suggest that they can focus their gaze on the floor in front of them, but it is helpful not to get distracted by looking around.


      Let's begin | 

      Isabelle’s “Tropical Paradise” Guided Meditation takes listeners to a tropical beach where small rippling waves crash along the coastline, the soft sand is snow white and palm trees surround the island. Breathe in the warm salty air, listen and try to hear the tropical birds speaking in their own language, they may have a special message just for you. 


      Reflection |

      • Who is feeling calm and relaxed after doing this meditation?
      • Could you hear the birds?  What were they saying?
      • What other sounds could you hear? Waves? Wind?


      Mindful Game | Move To The Groove!

      Educators |

      Explain to the children we are playing a game that uses their Mindful Listening skills. Move to the Groove!

      Have Music ready, a few different genres. For example, happy, classical, classical, sad or deep.


      Some example may include |

      • Happy  “Can’t Stop The Feeling”- Justin Timberlake
      • Classical “The Best of Yiruma”
      • Popular “Let it Go” - Frozen
      • Sad / Deep “ Theme From Titanic”


      How to play |

      1. Explain to the children you are going to play 2 or 3 pieces of music and they need to practise their Mindful Listening whilst dancing at the same time.
      2. When they hear the music stop, they must pretend they have been sprinkled with 'Freeze Dust' and freeze until the music starts again.
      3. The last person to freeze sits on the floor until there is one last person standing
      4. Play, dance and have fun with the kids and encourage the children to freeze in funny positions
      5. Repeat changing genres of music.


      Reflection |

      • Ask if everyone enjoyed that game and dancing.
      • Did anyone feel self-conscious or a little embarrassed?
      • What did it feel like being sprinkled with 'Freeze Dust'?
      • How did you feel listening to the 1st piece of music?
      • Did the last piece of music bring up any different feelings?


      Journal | PNG Format |

      Educators |

      Slide your students' journal to your desktop and print.

      P2W2 Mindful Listenig

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